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Creating opportunities around the globe for underprivileged children to realize new potential in their life circumstances; creating hope for new and better futures for us all. To help them LIVE their best lives. The overall goal of The Oliver Fund is to create opportunities for children to realize new pathways for a better life, beginning with play. Children in destitute or dire situations have the capacity for lovely play which enables creative thinking, new neurological pathways, fosters community, and engages new physical movement. The Oliver Fund sends hearty playthings all over the world in partnership with other organizations who are providing aid. Following play the most accessible goal is to create opportunities to be educated, especially for children living in unincorporated camps. As of January 2020, we have reached refugee camps in Lebanon, Greece, Jordan, and Pakistan, and reached developing communities in Kenya, Ghana, Zambia, and Thailand. Oliver is the second son of Jared and Sarah Bauer. He was a very happy baby, but unbeknownst to his family he had a hole in his heart that was not easily diagnosed for the first six months of his life. He was diagnosed and was moving towards surgery when he caught the flu and passed away in the arms of his father at Primary Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. During the week following his family was stunned that an eight month old could have had such a profound effect on the people around him. Many people remembered his bright blue eyes, his grasping of their finger, or how he felt when they held him. In reflection on his short days on earth, Jared and Sarah decided that his life would continue to impact other people through the actions of those who knew and loved him. They committed to make efforts toward making the lives of children around the world happier and give whatever opportunities to better circumstances where possible. The Oliver Fund was born out of a desire to connect to the memory of Oliver. Whereas a typical soccer ball lasts only a few hours in the harsh conditions of remote villages and refugee camps, our soccer balls last up to 13 years. We work with other organizations such as, Lifting Hands, HHRD, Building Blocks in Africa, and others to reach children in remote areas of the world, who would otherwise not be reached. Our organization is 100% volunteer, so ALL donated funds go directly towards the cause of providing toys to children. It is our goal to impact the lives of 10,000 children over the next five years through our donations.Our Mission
About Oliver
Our Impact
Committed To Providing Children a Small Bit of Joy in a Difficult World